Annual Physicals

Well Child’s physicals meet the requirements of the Medicaid EPSDT exam (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment)

Exams take place at school during the school day. Each physical includes:

  • Vital signs, including height, weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and pulse
  • Comprehensive health history evaluation
  • Age-appropriate developmental screenings
  • Hearing and vision screenings
  • Immunization review
  • Head-to-toe physical examination (clothes lifted)
  • Lab tests, as indicated by age, history or clinic findings (finger stick)
  • With parental permission, diagnosis and treatment plan for any identified health issues, including e-script to the pharmacy of the parent’s choice
  • With an in-person physical with Well Child in the past 16 months, utilize Well Child’s ongoing Telehealth services for acute care

Sports Physicals

Well Child sports physicals are the same comprehensive exam as the EPSDT exam. Well Child will coordinate with your school to deliver athletic clearance forms for students following the exams.


Well Child is a Vaccines For Children (VFC) provider and is able to provide all required and recommended immunizations for students, regardless of insurance status. Immunizations can be provided as part of a school- or region-specific immunization drive.


Well Child will bill your insurance carrier or managed care organization for the exam(s). There is no cost to your school or district. Well Child partners with the following insurance plans to offer annual physicals, sports physicals and immunizations:

TennCare Insurance Plans

TennCare Select
United Health Care Community Plan

Commercial Insurance Plans

BlueCross (Network P Only)
Keystone West
Pittman and Associates
United Health Care

To learn more about Well Child’s EPSDT exams,
sports physicals, and immunizations

Contact Us